Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ColdFusion's Infline IF (IIF) function

If I have a CFM page that has several CFIF/CFELSE statements, most of the time I'll replace them using ColdFusion's Infline IF (IIF) Function. This decreases the amount of code I have to scroll through within the CFM page.

Take the following CFIF/CFELSE example:

<cfquery name="qName" datasource="dbName">
INSERT INTO tableName (
VALUES ('#form.firstName#',
<cfif isDefined("URL.value")>
member = ''#URL.value#"
member = 'Non-Member'
</cfif> )

This can be cleaned up by using ColdFusion's IIF function. Note the IIF function requires the DE function to prevent ColdFusion from evaluating literal strings:

<cfquery name="qName" datasource="dbName">
INSERT INTO tableName (
VALUES ('#form.firstName#',
'#IIF(isDefined("URL.value"), DE("#URL.value#"), DE("Non-Member"))#' )

I've also used the IIF function to alter the row colors of an HTML table:

<table border="1">
<cfoutput query="qName">
<tr bgcolor="#IIF(qName.currentRow mod 2 eq 0, DE("white"), DE("gray"))#">
#qName.firstName# #qName.lastName#

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